Image Credit : Torchondo

Lay Down Google Analytics. Analyze Your RSS Growth Instead

A recent analysis by 45n5 states that the average RSS subscriber syndicated to an Internet Marketing| SEO | Make Money Online niche is worth about $31 in intangible value. While this number may be debatable, there is no doubt that growth in RSS subscriptions are the life blood of any booming blog. In fact, next to figuring out the number of Returning Visitors, and Time on Site, I'd say that RSS is the best metric to evaluate the 'stickiness' of your content.

While Feedburner is the premier choice for RSS syndication, tracking, and customization, it does not provide enough detail related to the absolute growth of your RSS subscribers. Thankfully, an unmet need is always met by some new Web 2.0 tool, and in this case, Blog Perfume's RSS Feed Analysis Tool come to the rescue!

Feed Analyzer

By the use of Feed Analysis, the number of subscribers for each month is neatly shown on the column chart. You can also view the number of subscribers, hits, views and clicks for every single day from the line chart. The best/worst day of the week is also available which is displayed on the pie chart.

Blog Perfume's RSS Analysis tool also provides an evaluation of your site's value based on the RSS growth and aggregate numbers. Interestingly, you can also view what the total number of RSS subscribers will be over a period of months, assuming you can keep up the same growth rate.

From a PR perspective, it is really useful to find out when your best and worst days are for publishing content, as several deductions can be made regarding your readers from this information.

Check out The Feed Analyzer!

About the Author: Dev Basu