about us
Nice to Meet You We Are SEP.
Our team is on a mission to make digital marketing more predictable. We help our clients turn their hard earned marketing dollars into profitable growth every day. We’d love to do the same for you.
Our History
In the late 90’s, before Google was anything more than a Stanford University rumour, our founder Jeff Quipp was tasked with helping his employer generate better results from within search engines. We’re talking AltaVista and Yahoo era. When he went looking for help with this task he realized that was going to be quite difficult… SEO didn’t really exist yet. He became part of a small (very small) community of bootstrapping SEO DIY’ers where everyone was learning on their own. He saw the market for a search engine company, and just like every other great startup in history, Search Engine People began from within a wood paneled basement.
Quickly, the lone search engine person turned into a company of Search Engine People. A company, whose quality work and sound reputation had our phones ringing off the hooks (that is, when phones were used as just phones)! Before we knew it we were being listed as one of Profit Magazine’s 100 Fastest Growing Startups…five years in a row.
Fast forward to today, where we are indisputably Canada’s most trusted search agency. Our team loves working as a partner to Canadian small businesses, and some of the world’s biggest and most prolific brands. We still wake up every day to take on new marketing challenges, because high fives only work with more than one person.