wordpress-plugins-customer-feedbackWhat is your most valuable resource as a website owner? Your visitors.

They can provide you with crucial feedback that assists you in making decisions for the future of that site. Whether it is a blog or a business online storefront, you can gain a great deal from listening to what your users have to say. But how do you gather than information?

Once upon a time, having userforms was pretty much a necessity. Now days, everyone seems to rely almost entirely on analytics, which is a shame. Sure, you can get basic demographic information on who is visiting your site, and how they are finding it through traffic referral stats. But what good is it knowing that your website is big with women between 24 and 35 in the United States if you dont know what is working to draw them?

These four WordPress plugins will help you to determine that by making it easier to interact directly, and so learn what you are doing right, and what could be improved.

WordPress Plugins To Gather User Feedback

1. Total Feedback

Total Feedback wordpress

Increase conversions and get extremely useful data by creating survey forms asking for more information. Did someone put something in their cart, but they didnt buy? Ask them why not, or what could have made them complete checkout (better shipping prices, more color or size options, ect).

Discover why they didnt subscribe to your newsletter, or continue more than a few seconds on a piece of content. Find out what they think of your design or feature list. Anything you want to know has an answer, you just have to ask the question!

2. GetResponse Integration (and more)

Having woreked for a couple of startups, I can tell you that one of the best things we have ever done at each is getting early adopters to join a subscription list to provide feedback.

GetResponse is a simple way to add a subscription service that you control to your site. It is unobtrusive, but very effective. Whats more, it gives those who came to the party early a sense of exclusivity, as you turn to them for suggestions on new features, opinions on older ones, or even whether or not they would pay for a currently free service if offered a pro version.

But there are more: ZenDesk WordPress Plugin, Mailchimp WordPress Plugin, etc: Depending on your current newsletter management and / or customer service solution, you can select a plugin you prefer.

To monitor all my multiple third-party feedback management platforms I am using this awesome multi-purpose tool:

Cyfe lets you integrate multiple data sources and create one dashboard tracking all of them. It has a fast newsletter management software support that includes GetResponse, Mailchimp, Gmail, Constant Contact and many more:

Cyfe newsletter management integration

It also supports ZenDesk which is my other feedback generation platform:

Cyfe ZenDesk integration

3. WP Form Builder

This one is great because you can both make surveys and quizzes, which can have multiple applications. They also allow them to be customized in design, so you can connect it better to your brand. They have different fonts, icons, form elements and themes.

They use a drag and drop system that is quicker than manual building. They even provide standalone form pages, so you dont have to take it on and risk ruining the pages aesthetic.

4. MyBlogU WordPress Plugin

MyBlogU isnt a survey plugin, it is a way of finding free content for your site. However, it is also much more than that.

It is an entire community of people who are more than happy to give you their honest opinion about your website. You can make connections with potential contributors to your site at the same time, giving you a whole network of people who can help you boost your sites performance and quality on every level.

MyBlogU feedback request

And the plugin lets you collect all that feedback right within your WordPress dashboard:

MyBlogU plugin dashboard

5. Qeryz

Qeryz claims boldly that they can get you 700% response percentage per survey, How do they do this? Through an interesting approach that utilizes the statistic that most visitors will form an opinion within three seconds of visiting your blog. They are not trying to get you in depth insights, but rather a quick look at what users think the moment they look at your homepage.


What good is that? Because a lot of people will form that opinion, and then either stay or leave based on it. That three seconds is crucial, and with the right questions you can learn enough to vastly improve your overall site. Qeryz helps you do that.


There is no better way to learn about how to improve your site than by asking the people who visit it. Using these five plugins makes it easy!

Have a tool to contribute to the list? Let us know in the comments!

About the Author: Ann Smarty

Ann Smarty is the Brand and Community manager at InternetMarketingNinjas.com as well as the founder of MyBlogU.com. Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 7 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz and #myblogu