Twitter tailored audience

Twitter now has nearly a billion users and hundreds of millions of tweets are sent each day. With such an active user base, tweeting actively can make your brand more open and visible. You can send messages and receive feedback efficiently from your clients regarding promotions, new products, company updates, or events. Beginning a marketing campaign with this channel gives you the chance to adapt your plans based on the response you get from your followers.

For instance, if you're in the roofing industry and you're planning to hold a contest for a new roof, Twitter is probably the fastest way for you to disseminate the information because users can re-tweet messages to their contacts endlessly, which makes your posts immediately visible to a large audience. After starting the promotion, you would be able to gather comments and gauge the level of interest so you can subsequently modify your strategy to suit the demand more effectively.

Reach More People With Tailored Audiences

Its easy to make the mistake of simply creating Twitter ads without a target in mind. However, messages that are too generic don't garner user interaction so if you try to reach an audience that is too broad, its likely that you'll just waste time and money without receiving any significant results. Since subscribers receive hundreds of tweets every day, they're bound to ignore posts that don't speak to their individual needs and interests.

To get beyond this issue Twitter has launched a retargeting product called Tailored Audiences. With this new innovation, you can generate ads that are distinctively targeted toward people who are most likely to be interested in your products and services. This is done by processing information garnered from Twitters ad partners about users web activities and turning them into more meaningful and relevant tweets.

The Results Speak For Themselves

To illustrate this process, if a person visits a site of a renovation company in Chicago, the ad partners would transmit that information to Twitter. He or she would then receive relevant tweets from that company regarding special promotions like discounts on kitchen renovations or important company updates. Through Tailored Audiences, you have the chance to interact directly with your target market and mould your ads to make them more viable.

So far, though the project is still new, the results have been very impressive. Many adopters are seeing a significant increase in conversions according to Search Engine Watch because the program makes it easier for users to see only the ads of brands and the precise services that appeal to them. If you haven't explored the possibilities of social media sites like Twitter, now's the time to take advantage of its growing population.

About the Author: Chris Marentis

Chris Marentis Founder and CEO Chris Marentis is the founder and CEO of Surefire Social, the world’s leading local Internet marketing platform and services company in North America. Surefire Social helps businesses optimize local search and discovery to generate sales. Marentis has been prophetic in identifying the best ways to leverage and harness breakthrough technologies, platforms and new media to drive sales growth for companies ranging from startups to billion-dollar organizations.