WordPress plugin resource lists have been highly useful to almost any beginner or intermediate level blogger. However the old lists featuring 50+ essential plugins haven't been updated in a while, so I thought I'd give the blogging community a little refresher on the best new plugins available to jazz up your blog through social media optimization.

Photodropper -Photo Dropper is a WordPress plugin that lets you add Flickr photos to your posts.

Slideshare - This plugin allows you to easily add SlideShare presentations to your blog by just copy pasting the default WordPress embed code.

Enhanced Sociable - Joost de Valk rejuvinates this highly useful plugin by adding social media buttons for Sphinn, Mixx, Google Bookmarks, Live, and Twitter.

WordPress Crawl Rate Tracker - Patrick Altoft releases a plugin for WordPress that allows you to track crawl activity for MSN, Yahoo & Google from your dashboard.

RSS Footer - This very simple plugin let's you add an extra line of content to articles in your feed, defaulting to "Post from: " and then a link back to your blog, with your blog's name as it's anchor tex. It's meant to prevent scrapers from unduly stealing your content.

Automatic Keyword Insertion - This plugin is pure gold for affiliate marketers (especially for niche sites!). The plugin works by taking the keyword that a visitor used to find your site in any major search engine and turns it into an affiliate link.

There's a wealth of SMO possible through all of the plugins I've talked about above, and I'm sure there's many more that I've missed. Do you know of any others? Add to this conversation by leaving a comment and letting me know about your favorite wordpress plugin 🙂

About the Author: Dev Basu