SEP CEO Jeff Quipp in the Toronto Star
Helen M. Overland
January 5, 2010
SEP Moves to New Corporate Headquarters
Helen M. Overland
December 14, 2009
SEP’s Jennifer Osborne is Google AdWords Help Forum Blogger of the Week
Jeff Quipp
December 1, 2009

Search Engine People Named One of Canada’s Fastest Growing Companies by Profit Magazine
Jeff Quipp
June 1, 2009
IM Spring Break Contest Winner, Price Drop, and Jeff Quipp Presentation
Jordan Kasteler
March 1, 2009

Jobs Opportunities Currently Available in the Search Industry! Job Seekers Retrain Now!
Jeff Quipp
January 8, 2009
Search Engine People turns SEO Scoop over to the community
Ruud Hein
November 20, 2008
Search Engine People Welcomes 7 Smart Contributors
Ruud Hein
November 10, 2008
Google US Dollar Valued Lower
February 14, 2008
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