Search Engine People named to PROFIT Magazine’s PROFIT 200 List
Ruud Hein
June 4, 2012
Search Engine People Named One of Canada’s Top Technology Companies
Ruud Hein
April 24, 2012

Google Sending Out Reminders That It Is Closing Google Knol (what is that?)
Ruud Hein
March 7, 2012
Search Engine People Ranked Top SEO & Pay-Per-Click Management Company in Canada
Jeff Quipp
December 5, 2011

SEPers Are Always on the Job [Photos] #awesome
Jeff Quipp
November 1, 2011
SEP CEO Jeff Quipp Wins Business Person Of The Year Award
Ruud Hein
October 17, 2011

Happy 10th Anniversary SEP!
Jeff Quipp
September 12, 2011
Hit Again: Google Sued For $421 Million In France
Ruud Hein
June 28, 2011

A Summerfest Of Fiasco’s: Google Closes Google Health and Google PowerMeter
Ruud Hein
June 27, 2011
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