About the Author: Daniel Kosir

Daniel is a Content Writer at Search Engine People. He is always experimenting with new formats and looking for creative ways to produce, optimize and promote content. He previously wrote for CanadaOne Magazine and helped create and implement online marketing strategies at Mongrel Media.

6 thoughts on “How SEO has changed: SEO Techniques and Best Practices for 2014

  1. Daniel,

    Thank you for writing a superior SEO 2014 article that I can actually read and understand! You make some great statements, and you are excellent at doing so. Nice job!

    Technical Writer

    1. Hey Marsha,

      Thanks! While SEO has its fair share of complexities, when you really break it down you can identify actionable steps that can have a huge impact on your performance. I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

  2. Hey Daniel,

    You touched a topic which every webmaster and SEO is interested to read. I think you’re pretty much right about SEO technique, focus on writing useful content, promote it on social media sites and then build relationships with your audience. This will build your trust and also start getting higher rankings.

    1. Hi Aahna,

      That’s the trick. Great content with the proper promotion can increase credibility and authority by leaps and bounds. And higher authority is a great thing for ranking in SERPs!

      Thanks for the comment.

  3. So Daniel,

    I keep reading articles that state e-commerce sites should be adding long, 1,000+ word posts, blogs, articles, etc. Really? I don’t know about you, but I don’t think consumers will want to read that much. Although, I just reread your post, at 958 words and I loved it, again! Is it that “relevant content” can be found in longer posts? I’d be interested in your thoughts when you get a chance.

  4. Killer article, Daniel. You took a topic that can be pretty convoluted (even for the experts)and broke it down into actionable pieces centered around results, and most importantly, the end user. So many businesses can get caught up in the hype of SEO and along the way, can forget about why it was important in the first place (the customer!). I know I’ll be using this article to help remind clients how SEO can *really* be utilized to drive results. Cheers!

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