Have you considered Facebook Groups for business? You should!

Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media explains 3 Clever Ways To Use Facebook Groups For Business for Search Engine People

photo credit: Kris Olin via photopin cc

We hear a lot about Facebook Pages for business brands. Many business brands develop and nurture a Facebook Page. They assure quality content and incentives for fans.

Only occasionally we hear about brands empowering their employees and/or associates to engage socially as catalysts for the brand. But we have not heard as much about the use of Facebook Groups for business.

Yes, it is another presence to maintain. At the same time a Facebook Group could be the social tool to other social media marketing efforts and actually make things easier on several fronts.

Lets explore Facebook Groups as a Facebook Marketing tool...

3 Clever Ways To Use Facebook Groups For Business

1. Stakeholder Teams

Whether you are a small business, medium sized company, or an international brand, chances are there will eventually be more than one person working on social media. Since Facebook where many spend time, and it is usually a big part of a brand's social media strategy, it makes sense to create a hub on this platform.

Imagine a private place for collaboration:

  • Sharing status and progress on current social projects.
  • Discussing clever ideas found online to bring to your brand.
  • Releasing specific graphics and messages for managers in multiple locations to share within their own networks.
  • Relaying customer service inquiries so the appropriate contact can respond.

Here, a staff or team can be more efficient and save on email. Plus, the group activity then has a database so group members can search conversations for reference on future collaboration.

2. Super-Fan Engagement

The biggest reason people like a page is for special information and discounts. So, reward your super-fans -- Choral your loyal customers and keep them motivated to talk about your brand!

Nurture a place where they become a happy, family of whatever size. Let them share in a personal way with each other about themselves. Also let them talk about their experiences with your product, and even share photos. This is social listening at it's finest!

Brand managers can:

  • Learn other life-interests for targeting advertisements.
  • Discover new avenues of marketing a product or service.
  • Become aware of new sources of competition.
  • Gauge potential successes of future product launches.

From time to time, give this group special coupons or prizes exclusive just to them.

3. Advisory Council

Marketing Managers will probably have a more structured plan in working with this type of Facebook Group. They will probably develop a more intimate working relationship with members here.

The goal here is to gain additional feedback from a select group of customers:

  • They purchased your new product.
  • They subscribed to your signature service.
  • They reported a specific customer service satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
  • They are part of a test group, or are testing a product or service.

The Facebook Group allows you to continue communication with a select group of customers or ambassadors to know more. This will probably not be a very large group, and Group Moderators will have screened the members and be trustworthy themselves.

It is possible to do more extensive research on topics with this group. Be sure you reward them commensurately for their time and attention.

The Important Decision With Facebook Groups For Business

Facebook Groups Settings PanelEach company must set their own policies regarding Facebook Groups. They will certainly want to consider if anyone can join the group, or if they will be selective.

Marketing managers should also be aware that Facebook is a large, active platform. Matters of high security are advised to be taken to other communication channels.

As the image indicates, Facebook Group managers can choose the settings:

  • Open - Member comments and interactions can be seen in the ticker.
  • Closed - Member comments and interactions can be seen in the ticker.
  • Private - Member comments and interactions CANNOT be seen in the ticker.

Facebook Groups are just one of the many Facebook marketing tools, if used appropriately. More on how to set up a group here.

Your Views On Facebook Groups For Business

There are other ways to use Facebook Groups for business. The three ways listed above should give marketing managers a place to start.

Are you using Facebook Groups in a successful way other than described above?

Did this post trigger some new ideas for you?

Please let us know your thoughts in the comments box below! 🙂

About the Author: Keri Jaehnig