
Are you tweeting a lot and feel guilty of spending your time chatting instead of working? Here's the idea for you: build those links while chatting!

Build links on twitter

Here are a few best working (to me personally) ideas for you:

1. Monitor Who Discusses Your Competitors

Finding your competitors' promoters is the key to better understanding your niche as well as building the community of your own brand advocates. Twitter search works great for that (don't forget to search for recent tweets, not "top" ones).

Besides, with Twitter advanced search operators, you can filter out all the clutter and only hear what you need:

[COMPETITOR NAME -@from:COMPETITOR-USERNAME -RT]: This search will allow you to track your competitor mentions while filtering out retweets as well as your competitor's own tweets:

Track competitors

2. Find Journalists to Be Cited

Here's a post I did on building PR and media contacts through social media as well as this article on Twitter bio search tips.

In short, the process is as follows:

  • Find (your local) niche-specific journalists on Twitter;
  • Create a separate list for them to follow them closely;
  • Build relationships with them and maintain active contact to share your news and get cited!

Get cited - build contacts with local journalists

3. Monitor Guest Blogging Opportunities

Like Ethan (be sure to check out his Twitter link building tips as well!), I often manage to score quite a few great guest blogging opportunities on Twitter!

The only correction to his tip would be filtering out RTs, because they tend to interfere with important results.

  • ["guest post" OR "guest author" -RT] => to get a lot of results daily
  • ["write for us" OR "guest bloggers" -RT] => more focused on the actual and straightforward calls for guest bloggers.

For active guest bloggers, consider tracking these opps using a separate columns in Tweetdeck.

4. Answer Questions

Another really awesome tip and one that has won our My Blog Guest quite a few powerful mentions (including one from SEOmoz, but that wasn't really me answering Rand's question on Twitter but one of our greatest users): be there to ask bloggers' questions.

Twitter search is there to help again! There's an Advanced Search option for that:

[YOUR KEYWORD ? -filter:links]

(Don't miss the space before the question mark)

-filter:links is the genius way to exclude any links from tweets leaving out only real questions (in case you want to remain focused. I am not filtering out RTs here because they help me identify how popular the question is on Twitter!)

For example, for me that would be:

"link building" OR "guest blogging" ? -filter:links

Build links on Twitter by Answering questions

Here's a great resource listing about 15 Twitter services and directories that not only give you some Twitter exposure but also build links to your site => double win!

Build links with social medi profile

Need more inspiration? Check out Rand's video for various ideas on building links while tweeting!

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by orangeacid

About the Author: Ann Smarty

Ann Smarty is the Brand and Community manager at as well as the founder of Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 7 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz and #myblogu