CRM & Marketing Automation Integration

By syncing your marketing automation software with your CRM system, you can start to see a more positive impact on your business and the number of qualified leads you receive. In addition, your sales and marketing teams will save time filtering through the data that has been collected on each lead your marketing automation software will handle this for you instead, freeing up valuable time that could be better spend converting these leads into sales.

Integrating your CRM and marketing automation software also makes it easier for your sales team to decide which tactics to use when contacting leads, depending on where they are in your sales cycle. For example, if a lead is closer to a purchase (bottom of funnel), they may use tactics that encourage them to close. If a potential customer is in the initial stages (top of funnel), they may simply choose reach out and offer information or answer questions.

CRM optimization allows you to reach your past and present leads with the right information at the right time:

  • See all available information about leads in a centralized location
  • Shorten the sales cycle by automatically sending relevant information at the ideal time
  • Automatically send sales-qualified leads to your business development team
  • Revitalize inactive leads by sending targeted email campaigns

Why SEP for CRM & Hubspot Integration?

BODY: Properly categorizing contacts based on their interest level and fit with your products and services is essential so your sales team can quickly identify qualified leads and decide on the right approach to communication. Search Engine Peoples partnership with HubSpot allows us to integrate your inbound marketing strategy with your CRM software in order to gain more insight into the behaviours of your leads and prioritize them according to their level of interest and intent.

SEPs Marketing Automation team can successfully manage your HubSpot and CRM integration so you can make the most of your contacts personal information and behaviours. Contact our experts today to learn more!