Complete eBook Design & Writing Services

Writing an eBook can seem like a daunting task to tackle on your own. Though eBooks and whitepapers are a much larger undertaking than many other content formats, they are also paramount to your success. Among other benefits, they allow you to:

  • Demonstrate expert knowledge of a topic,
  • Offer a solution to a common pain point or challenge your audience faces, and
  • Create a wealth of related ancillary content
  • Used to generate new leads

While they do require quite a bit of legwork – in terms of both time and resources – eBooks are a type of content that presents marketers with a tremendous opportunity to attract and nurture prospects. Using an eBook as gated or downloadable content in exchange for contact information is an excellent way to gain new email marketing contacts, or can be an effective component of your lead nurturing program.

SEP is proud to offer complete eBook writing services. We have years of proven experience in creating effective eBook and whitepaper content. From the initial topic selection to creating an outline, conducting research, drafting and designing your eBook or whitepaper’s layout, and implementation on your website or landing page, our Content Team can handle it all.

After creating your eBook, SEP can also recommend a number of ways that your investment in time and research can be re-purposed to create many other forms of content, including infographics, social media content, blog posts, tip sheets, presentations, videos and more.

Need help creating an effective eBook or whitepaper? Request a quote today to get started.

Call us at 1.877.584.7304 or click below to request a quote:

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