Red Herring today features a story on Everyscape, a photo based 3D Search company.

It's an intriguing proposition.

A virtual walk-through of a neighbourhood you're considering moving to. A walk-through by day might differ from a walk-through might differ dramatically from a walk-through by night. A 3D tour of the restaurant you're thinking of going to? The food may look particularly good, but other factors also begin to enter the equation... by example are there any people actually in the restaurant.

While still in beta mode, Everyscape is compelling inasmuch as it quite literally adds depth to search. Talk about geotargeting.

With user generated content I'm curious to see what becomes of this virtual virtual world application.

Ambient search.

I like the thought of it.

Have a good one.

~The (SEP) Guy

About the Author: Shane

Search Engine People welcomes any information you might have on The SEP Guy. We don't have a clue. He's the blog's mystery writer. Odd...