There are days when I don't know whether to curse or to thank those who don't open new browser windows when they link out in their articles or posts.

A blogger could get lost. Maybe it's ADD but I prefer to think of it as an insatiable curiousity. I sat down to start this post literally over two and a half hours ago. Who has that kind of time? Fortunately, I do but only because I'm off the clock so technically, it's my time.

My boss is less than enthused when I blog in the first person but in being that this was my Internet adventure today, I'm hoping I'll be forgiven.

In a client meeting today, I was asked to explain how I would explain what it is I do. The old elevator pitch. Don't get me wrong, I know what I do and I like to think I do it well as I've been doing it a long, long time so if I don't, well, I'm more of a creature of habit than I would like to think.

Search engine optimization doesn't seem to cover it anymore as the facets of my job are seemingless as endless as theattributes in the Google organic algorithm. Research to strategies, optimization, linking and slight shades of usability, podcasting, vodcasting, blogging and html. These are a few of my favorite things. (I'm Marty freakin' Bloggins.)

Not having the answer on the tip of my tongue, I resorted to the tips of my fingers. I like what Aaron Goldman has to say about Query Marketing.

I also like what 360i posits with Search Informed Marketing.

Interestingly enough, before becoming Search Engine People, this company was QIMS. (Query Informed Marketing Strategies, anyone?)

Optimization continues to play a key role, but it's no longer limited to the search engines. Optimizing strategies, budgets, press releases, blogs, datafeeds, adspends and keyword lists and a hundred other little things I forget factor into every strategy we put together.

Optimization strategies. Works for me. But coming down to those two little words today took a couple of hours in which I learned about Divvio and Fruitcast (Wonder what they're up to?) and Zoots Designs.

And one link leads to another and so on and so on and so on...

So, thanks to everyone who doesn't open a new window with their links but check back with me Monday when I'm not on downtime.

Have a good one.

~ The (SEP) Guy

About the Author: Shane

Search Engine People welcomes any information you might have on The SEP Guy. We don't have a clue. He's the blog's mystery writer. Odd...