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New Yahoo Bookmarks

Yahoo has a new (beta) online Bookmarks service (no, I'm not talking about TechCrunch notes that it has around 20 million active users...from its previous version... (compared to only 1 million for This isn't a social bookmarking service, [...]

By |2006-10-24T22:59:55-04:00October 24th, 2006|SEO|2 Comments

Yahoo announces rankings shuffle and NOODP support

Yahoo just announced that they are going to implement the support of the NOODP meta tag, beginning tonight. In order to launch this change, they will be reindexing web content, resulting in typical ranking changes and page shuffling. So expect [...]

By |2006-10-24T20:33:17-04:00October 24th, 2006|SEO|Comments Off on Yahoo announces rankings shuffle and NOODP support

Your own niche search engine – compliments of Yahoo!

Yahoo! just announced on their blog that you can now easily create your own niche search engine, using a new tool called the Yahoo! Search Builder. You can seed the search engine with sites you trust, and customize the look [...]

By |2006-08-07T09:32:30-04:00August 7th, 2006|SEO|Comments Off on Your own niche search engine – compliments of Yahoo!
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