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SEO Tools

8 Utilities to Track Keyword Rankings

One of the more tedious tasks in my monthly routine is preparing keyword ranking reports. While I enjoy analyzing the numbers and discovering how well our clients have (hopefully) improved over the past 30 days, actually collecting those numbers is [...]

By |2009-11-03T09:49:15-05:00November 3rd, 2009|SEO|5 Comments

Wordtracker marries Google Trends

Thanks to the Thirty Day Challenge, WordTracker has put out a very cool new tool, called GTrends, which marries Wordtracker data with Google Trends data. Below are some screenshots, using a popular search phrase. Clicking on the colorful little graph [...]

By |2007-08-13T17:48:02-04:00August 13th, 2007|SEO|5 Comments

Hey, that was my idea!

What happens while you are busy being uninspired? You find out that someone released an SEO tool before you did. That's right. I had an idea which I passed along to a friend who was working on creating a SERPs [...]

By |2013-06-05T12:53:25-04:00April 25th, 2007|Content|Comments Off on Hey, that was my idea!

WebSite Grader SEO Tool

I'm always fascinated by online tools that attempt to value or grade a site. Any time I come across one, I put it through its paces. Tonight, I stumbled on SmallBusinessHub's WebSite Grader tool. Naturally, I plugged a few of [...]

By |2013-06-06T06:00:06-04:00March 27th, 2007|Web Design|2 Comments
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