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scraper sites

Is Google a Scraper Website?

Remember when Google released the Panda algorithm? This was when content penalties were introduced, used primarily to eliminate scraper websites that would rip content from one website and put it on their own. This practice was frowned upon particularly because, [...]

By |2017-01-27T18:47:54-05:00April 14th, 2014|SEO|Comments Off on Is Google a Scraper Website?

Can scraper sites hurt us now?

About a year or so ago, there were some discussions regarding whether or not scrapers could be hurting legitimate sites' rankings. One such thread is here and blog posts are here and here. Even the Washington Post got a word [...]

By |2006-06-05T23:04:02-04:00June 5th, 2006|SEO|4 Comments
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