Practical SEO Truths We All Seem to Forget
Have you ever, even for a moment, forgotten about people when you were working on a campaign? I know, I know. You don't want to admit it, but you know it's happened.
Have you ever, even for a moment, forgotten about people when you were working on a campaign? I know, I know. You don't want to admit it, but you know it's happened.
Do you work at fixing your own industry while hurting another because you are not a part of it and does that still make you a white hat firm knowing you are helping black hat players in another industry?
Over the past few years, Google has added a good number of updates and social search features. Recently, there has been a huge talk about utilizing 'social signals' to rank search results. Nevertheless, is Google presently using these social signals? [...]
Understand what Google Adwords' match changes mean and how they impact your bottom line.
Online Reputation Management (ORM) generally involves using SEO techniques to replace negative search results with positive listings. That might involve building links to favorable content that already exists, or creating new content designed to outrank whatever you’re trying to disassociate yourself from. But is it ethical to essentially hide this “negative or embarrassing content”? And is it good for SEO as an industry to prevent the public from accessing information it has a legitimate interest in seeing?
So what keeps optimizers digging in their heels? Why are there any left? Because, with few exceptions, we love what we do. You have to love this job to keep it.
Search doesn't need to be a process or a destination. It won't be either for long. Search is a service; Google's mobile voice search and more recently Apple's Siri are early examples of what search could be like as an almost invisible interface between the user and information: online, personal and device-specific.
Google is becoming less accessible by SEO's who rely on link buying, directories, article marketing and other now sub-par SEO tactics because it can spot it a mile off.
So Google Plus will not actually kill your business. But the inability to maintain focus and discern real true opportunities can.
Like many people I hit the forums and blogs to find out why my site had been targeted. I soon found Google's new guide on creating quality websites and like most people read the advice and in a haze of self righteous denial said "my site is quality!" and ignored the advice.