To Everyone’s Surprise Google Says "Sure, Go Ahead" To Swapping +1 Clicks For Content
Exchanging your content for a +1 click is A-OK, apparently.
Exchanging your content for a +1 click is A-OK, apparently.
Google has been working hard to improve their social media technology and presence over the last year with a view to increasing their share in the extremely busy and highly profitable market. Enter Google Schemer.
If you're on Google+ (you're on the only official *Google* approved social network, right?) you owe it to yourself to use these extensions to make it that much better.
What network should you chose to focus your time and money on depends, obviously, on your audience (more bloggers and online marketers use Twitter, for example). One way you can identify where your audience might be hanging out online is to first identify the key differences between each of the major social networks. While the box on the outside of each network might look the same, inside there's quite a number of vitally important distinctions.
Google+ continues to successfully help any local business build their page and make it stronger. Each new feature helps you to view what's going on within your Google+ page and how traffic is using it in a variety of ways. As new features are released, descriptions explain how they can be used to better your Google+ experience to help promote and grow your local business.
So Google Plus will not actually kill your business. But the inability to maintain focus and discern real true opportunities can.
Create and optimize your Google+ page
Google is taking further steps to change the whole search engine experience for users. Google's creation of its own social media site, Google+, can very well shape the future search methods and results.
To help you stay up to date with Google plus, we've put together these ten important updates you might have missed. At the end of this post you will find out how to get the Google plus invite if you [...]
Those who think that are under the opinion that social networks for ranking can be gamed may change their opinions after reading this article.