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6 Ways To Make SEO Your Company’s Second Nature

Taking the view that SEO is your responsibility and yours alone will mean you stay siloed, away from the rest of the organization - which ultimately will impact your ability to be effective. Instead, as in-house SEOs its our job to make sure that search engine marketing happens - whether its done by us or by other people in the company.

By |2014-10-22T08:21:41-04:00August 30th, 2012|SEO|1 Comment

6 Surprising Mistakes Many SEO’s Make

Any SEO will sympathize with these; I'm sure at least one of these will ring a bell, if not more of them. We need to stay updated and stay smart. SEO, link building, is not a numbers game; its not that simple. It is our job to protect our clients and give them the best of our services, sometimes that means changing our habits and learning from scratch, but that's just what we do.

By |2014-04-22T09:06:22-04:00November 28th, 2011|SEO|5 Comments
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