This is one of a series of posts in which I will be highlighting each member of the Search Bloggers list, with commentary on one of their posts (new or old). Look for this series to continue once or twice a week for the next couple of months.

Meet Steve Gerencser, the Search Blogger of the Day. Steve's brand used to be Large Orange Pop, but it's now Metal Monster Marketing. I like that better. 🙂 But that's neither here nor there. Today I want to highlight one of Steve's posts that particularly resonates with me. In his post, It's hard to find a great place to sleep, Steve gives voice to a frustration that I'm sure all of face on a regular basis. Finding local businesses via search is tough to do. Local search is still terrible, mainly because businesses haven't yet caught on. If they even have a web site (and so many still don't), they aren't optimizing for local searches. If you have a business that could benefit from local searches, or have clients who could benefit, or even if neither of those apply, go read Steve's post. Think about it. Take action on it. It's probably one of the easiest, and yet most critical actions you can take in your search optimization strategy.

If you want to know more about today's Search Blogger of the Day, check out Steve's about page.

That's the Search Blogger of the Day. If you are a search blogger, and aren't on the list yet, go here to find out how to be included. I plan to promote everyone on the list in various ways. Some will be informative, and some will be just plain fun. Don't miss out.

About the Author: Donna Fontenot

Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, is an Internet Entrepreneur and SEO, who has long utilized search engine optimization and affiliate marketing to create a successful online business. Her goal as an ebusiness coach is to help others make a living online from the comfort of their homes (and in their pajamas). Her motto is "You'll never shine if you don't glow."