Copyright: Walt Disney Company

Check out those Google numbers today. A fall from grace impacted by their missing the Street estimates. Talk about loosing your street credibility.

Two things stood out for me..."Most shocking is the steep decline in paid clicks, one of the best metrics to measure Google's underlying advertiser strength. " From 22% growth last year to only 9% this year. Suggesting, some say, that Google may not be as well insulated from a recession as expected.

Maybe. Maybe not. Advertising tends to be the first line item reduced on the budget in lean times. Will it bode the same for PPC advertising?

And if it does, will that see a reduction in PPC costs assuming their is less competition for keywords. (IMHO - unlikely.)

But it may well make Yahoo and MSN a little more attractively particularly when as efficiencies become a required metric in PPC budgets.

This could be interesting, very interesting.

Have a good one.

~The (SEP) Guy

About the Author: Shane

Search Engine People welcomes any information you might have on The SEP Guy. We don't have a clue. He's the blog's mystery writer. Odd...