I'd first like to thank everyone, including SearchEnginePeople.com, who has helped support IM Spring Break thus far and our great line of speakers for speaking at the content-rich three day conference. We are very excited to host what may just be the conference of the year.

Contest Winner

We'd like to take this opportunity to announce the winner of our Twitter buzz contest, Alysson Fergison aka SEOAly. The contest was based around getting the most buzz on Twitter regarding IM Spring Break through retweets and Alysson has won a free pass to IM Spring Break.

Discounted Price

The free pass would be a $500 value if we weren't dropping the price to....wait for it...$379. Yes, we are offering economic stimulus pricing to combat tough economic times. Originally, we were going to increase the price to $750 beginning in March but you voiced your concerns and we heard you loud and clear. All current ticket holders will get a reimbursement for their $500 tickets that they have purchased.

Search Engine People Presenter - Jeff Quipp

We are honored to have Jeff Quipp speak at the conference on behalf of Search Engine People. Jeff gave a terrific and well talked about keynote presentation at Scary SEO last October. We look forward to him sharing more of his brilliance at IM Spring Break. Jeff will be presenting on "Building a Brand through Social Media" along with Brian Chappell and Li Evans which will be a session you won't want to miss.

Thanks everyone and we look forward to seeing you in April.

About the Author: Jordan Kasteler

Jordan Kasteler is the SEO Director of Hennessey Consulting. His work experience ranges from co-founding BlueGlass Interactive, in-house SEO at Overstock.com, marketing strategy at PETA, and agency-level SEO & marketing. Jordan is also an international conference speaker, columnist, and book author of A to Z: Social Media Marketing.