Happy Halloween, All You SEO Scoopers.
SEOs are masters at disguise, don't you think? Therefore, I have to assume that each of you is very creative when it comes to dressing up in a Halloween costume. I thought I'd just ramble on a bit about Halloween today, and ask you to do the same.
A few Halloween remembrances for me include:
- The time I went to my boss's house for a Halloween party and I thought the Abominal Snowman was my boss...until he kidnapped me and threw me in his truck. Luckily, I was rescued before it went any further than that. The snowman took off and I still have no idea if that was someone I knew or not.
- The time when I was in 5th grade, and I was playing the part of the dead woman in a coffin at the school carnival. I was very much into acting the part, so I did my best to remain still no matter what the kids did. However when one little boy decided he was going to peek under my long flowing white funeral dress, I sat up, slapped him across the face, and promptly laid back down and played dead again. The little boy ran out screaming bloody murder.
- The time when I nearly got arrested for "borrowing" some satsumas (kinda like oranges) from a neighbors tree during a Halloween "raid". Had to run really, really fast that night.
My mom used to make all my costumes. The best one she made was the Medusa costume. The worst one was the Mummy costume. It kept falling off, and of course I didn't have much on underneath.
So tonight, we're taking my 2 year old granddaughter trick-or-treating. I'm definitely looking forward to it.
What are you doing this Halloween? Dressing up? As what? What are some of your favorite Halloween memories? What have been your favorite costumes?