I'm already tired. Here we go again: Google has announced that it will, this Summer, release an presentation tool a la simplified PowerPoint.

Now the obligatory "we're not aiming this at Microsoft" statements and what not; and this is just the announcement that somewhere this Summer they will release it.

Hands up everybody who's waiting for an online presentation tool. I see one in the back, yes... ah, and there's another one. Oh wait, that's my dog.

Google should finish

Before fumbling around with other tools which half-way integrate, shouldn't they finish integrating the existing ones in Google Apps instead of users, including premium accounts, having to rely on some kind of weird workaround? Or should they first make the system more reliable?

How about increasing document and spreadsheet storage space for premium accounts? They now get a bit more email space but the exact same limitations you and I do for documents and spreadsheets.

Or how about finishing what you started before you buy yet another company? Or was the buy-out of Dodgeball an old school Microsoft move to remove competition simply by buying and discarding it? A tactic from the same bag of tricks they buy Microsoft executives with the way Microsoft used to buy a competitor's talent?

Google is as vocal as ever; "...we have nothing to announce at this time".


About the Author: Ruud Hein

I love helping to make web sites make it. From the ground up if needed. CSS challenges, server-side scripting, user and device friendly JavaScript tricks search engines have no problems with. Tracking how the sites perform and then figuring out how to make that performance and the tracking better. I'm passionate about information. No matter how often I trim my feeds in my feed readers (yes, I use more than one), I always have a couple of hundred in there covering topics ranging from design to usability, from SEO to SEM, from life hacks to productivity blogs, from.... Well, you get the idea, I guess. Knowledge and information management is close to my heart. Has to be with the amount of information I track. My "trusted system" is usually in flux but always at hand and fully searchable. My paid passion job at Search Engine People sees me applying my passions and knowledge to a wide array of problems, ones I usually experience as challenges. It's good to have you here: pleased to meet you! Read more...