As I've mentioned, I've moved. This also means that I no longer have my old ISP. That means that I've lost an email address (the one associated with my ISP). Unfortunately, that is the email address I used as my login username for Google Adsense. I need to change my username now, or I will never get any email from the Adsense folks (and those of you who are into Adsense know that it is vital to not miss an Adsense email).

Now, I've had to go through the process of changing my Adsense email username once before, so I knew how this would go. And I knew it was a pain in the patooty.

First of all, the user cannot change her own username. She must go through a process where she emails Google (preferably from the associated email address, which isn't possible in my case), and gives them various information that only someone who can login and create reports can know. And then, of course, she has to let them know which new email address to use. Now, this is where it gets stickier. You see, the last time I went through this, I had to email back and forth because I kept asking to use an email address (a different one with each email) that I had already used for different Google services (gmail, etc.)

Since I am not able to use my own computer right now while I am waiting to move into my new place, I don't have access to my Roboform password info. This means I am not sure what email addresses I've used for all the various Google services. So, rather than take a chance at guessing wrong, I decided to create yet another email address (like I really need another one...sigh).

So, I created my new email address (a second Gmail address) and emailed Google with all the pertinent info.

Now, I wait.

I don't know how long it will take to get a response and to have this changed over. Hopefully, the Adsense gang has no need to email me in the meantime.

Now, here is my plea, Google. Please change this process. This is so user-unfriendly. Either change the system so that it doesn't use an email address as the username...or make it so that users can change it themselves. Failing that, at least create a new field that we can fill in (in our profile) that gives you an alternate email address to use for communication purposes.

And finally, since I'm asking for favors, how about giving us a way to consolidate all the Google services into one username/password login? I might actually be able to remember just one even without the use of Roboform.

About the Author: Donna Fontenot

Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, is an Internet Entrepreneur and SEO, who has long utilized search engine optimization and affiliate marketing to create a successful online business. Her goal as an ebusiness coach is to help others make a living online from the comfort of their homes (and in their pajamas). Her motto is "You'll never shine if you don't glow."