Recently Search Engine People has been given the oppourtunity to participate it the new Pay Per Action Beta from Google. The following is a list of things to keep in mind when structuring your PPA campaings. Screenshots follow.

Top 5 Things to Keep in Mind When Building PPA Campaigns.

  1. Your campaign should revolve around one central theme.

  2. Keep in mind that each Ad Group within the campaign should target a single product or service.

  3. When naming the product or service, make sure the name is accurate as it will be shown to publishers who want to choose your ads.

  4. When creating a description, keep in mind that the publishers are going to be using this information when deciding on whether to promote your product or service. Keep it short but clearly mark all the benefits of the product/service.

  5. Try the new text link ads. These are ads that consist of a single line of hyperlinked text that can be up to 90 characters long. These ads will be used in-context by the publishers and I'll venture a guess and say they probably convert better too. If the publisher makes it seem like a "resource link", then the reader doesn't get caught in the trap of thinking that "he's trying to sell me something".


Without further delay here are the screenshots.

The 1st image is of the tab & Instructions.Pay Per Action


The 2nd Image is of the Interface where you can see your all PPA Actions.Pay Per Action


The 3rd Image is of the screen you get when you create a new action. Pay Per Action




About the Author: Sasha