These Twitter tools do genuinely useful stuff but less people know about them. That's fun. Oh -- and some of these tools are just that: fun.
Followfriday Helper
Don't miss recommending your best buddies on Twitter; the people that actually interact with you and/or retweet your material.
Filter based on retweets sent or received, on recommendations received, on favorites, or on @ replies.
Used to be finding your user ID was easy on Twitter by a quick look in the source code. Not so much anymore. That's why we have this tool.
By the way, Jack Dorsey has the lowest Twitter ID: 12. The highest is the person who just signed up.
Exquisite Tweets
Rebuild a Twitter conversation on one page. Save it or screenshot it and you can easily reference a Twitter thread on your blog. Or make sense of an ongoing debate
Fake Tweet Builder
Just plain old fun. Type in a conversation and the tool turns it into a "real" Twitter convo. You can set handles, names, avatars, backgrounds -- even the Twitter client!
Why you would want to do this? As the home page says;
TwitWipe is a tool to wipe or delete all your tweets in one go. You may need to do this to start over, to clean it out before handing the account over to someone else, or maybe you've just realised how shitty your tweets are.
Can't argue with that.
Beats deleting your account; with TwitWipe everything stays as is (account, login, permissions, ID, followers, following) except you get rid of all your tweets.
Hi Ruud,
I never knew about these sites/tools …. great post.. i like Exquisite Tweets…
That’s a handy tool too, yes. Used it quite a bit already. Thanks for dropping by!
Thanks for all these tips. I resonate with “Friday Follow Helper” because it just seems like a lot of fun. I also like the exquisite tweets. I having fun with this post. I thank you,
Follow Friday is definitely handy, yes. A nice quick way to see who you’re supported by and who you’re supporting. Thanks for the comment, Donna!
Hello Ruud, I was thinking of starting to use my Twitter account again, but wanted to clean it up first. I had been putting it off for some time. However Twit Wipe looks like it will do the job easily and it’s free too, thanks for the tip.
Twit Wipe is a special tool indeed. Very specific use case but absolutely perfect for situations where you need it.