First the responsive newsfeed, then Facebook Home, and today there were changes to Facebook Pages. If it wasn't apparent that Facebook was serious about being "mobile first" before, it certainly is now.

Why change the Pages layout? Over 680 million people access Facebook via a mobile device every month, and people engage with brand pages than they ever did before. They have become essential for local business, and are now cemented as a crucial component of any company's online presence.

The New Layout

The new layout is optimized for engagement. Businesses need to keep a close eye on the new top navigation bar: Call, Check-In, Message and Like are more prominent than ever, and every cover photo doubles as a description, and has a profile picture within it.

What does it mean for you?

The added real-estate on the page means interaction is easier, posts are much more prominent, and all your information is much more accessible. Make sure all your photos are high-res, and that you've built out every aspect of your Facebook Page. Do you have check-in's? Reviews? Do you answer messages? Do you have your number listed? If not, now would be a good time to put those wheels in motion.

The new changes make life easier for Page administrators as well. You're now able to pin/highlight posts, switch between public and admin views update information, and share content.

With the inclusion of Graph Search, your Facebook page and its visibility online are beginning to compete in importance with your website. It won't be long before transactions can occur directly from Facebook. Marketers need to ensure they rank for their product category, and consider all the features that Facebook offers. This will rapidly become the centrepiece of what we know to be social media optimization.

Haven't considered ranking for Graph Search yet? Here's some quick tips to secure your spot:

- Claim your "place page" and include a call to action for check-ins!
- Used paid ads to increase Likes
- Fill out EVERYTHING (About, Contact, etc.)
& most importantly, CREATE COMPELLING CONTENT!

Great content, is "Liked" and shared by all, and the interaction it brings will guarantee your page breaks through the clutter!

When Facebook changes, your strategy needs to change as well. Word of mouth marketing will always be the most powerful driver of leads and it lives on Facebook. Keep creating and curating, and keep your finger on the pulse, great online marketers know what's around the corner long before it comes 🙂

About the Author: Chris Atkinson