About the Author: Nick Stamoulis

Nick Stamoulis is the President and Founder of Brick Marketing, a full service Boston-area SEO services firm and has over 13 years of SEO experience.

Brick Marketing

2 thoughts on “Bare Bones Link Building Advice

  1. First of all i will thank you for your awesome writing.You have shown three strong point of link building & explain it with real time example.At first you write about “Get Listed Locally”,I am totally agree with that,to start a race its needed to enlist your name there.Second is building linkup with the same category types.At last point is to present the interesting & realistic data.

  2. Hey Nick,

    Good stuff here, man. To be honest, starting a blog, as you have listed in the “third step” is just the engine that drives the vehicle, so to speak. It’s the content that creates the links, and thus the higher results in SERP’s over time. I’m glad that you continued to elaborate on the specific types of content that would be used on the blog. Personally, I see tremendous value in PPC because I get a great understanding of what KW Terms are driving traffic AND conversions. Take this data and start creating content around it in hopes of gaining long-term exposure in SERP’s. Another successful content creation tactic I use a lot is digging into analytics for those super long-tail KW terms. Creating content around those ensure that you are always dominating for them, as well as provides some “filler” pieces of content to combat the dreaded writers block! Great post!


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