Ok, maybe I'm easily pleased, I don't know, but when a tool can save me a long, long, long, mind-numbing boring amount of time watching files slowly ftp up to a server, over and over and over again, for what feels like forever...I tend to fall in love with that tool.
And when it's free...with no strings attached...I purrrrrrrrrr like a very satisfied cat.
If you've ever had to upload WordPress to a server more than one time, or you ever expect to have to do it again, stop. Wait. Grab the EasyWP Installer first.
Installing a new WordPress blog (or upgrading an existing one) really isn't hard. In fact, it's darn easy. But what annoys me a WHOLE BUNCH is the ftp process. OMG, it takes freaking forever to upload the entire WordPress directory. By the time the last file gets uploaded, I've aged another few years.
And if my satellite connection is a little wonky (as it often is), fuggedaboudit!
My buddy Michael solved this problem for me - and for all of you too. I never, ever have to ftp all those files up to the server again. Ever!
I do have to ftp though - ONE FILE. One teeny, tiny file. Then I fill in the blanks on a form (the same stuff you'd normally put into the wp-config.php file), click a button, and BAM! Like 10 seconds later, it's all done.
Ok, so let's recap.
Before the way cool tool:
- Create database and assign a user to it.
- Download the wp install zip file.
- Unzip it.
- Edit the wp-config file.
- FTP all the WP files up to your server.
- (Wait for an eternity for it to finish)
- Tell WP the name of your blog.
- Start blogging.
Total time: Maybe half an hour, but feels like forever.
With the way cool tool:
- Create database and assign a user to it.
- Answer questions on a web form (same ones you'd get when editing the wp-config file).
- Tell WP the name of your blog.
- Start blogging.
Total time: About 30 seconds.
You can get all the info about the EZ WordPress Installer either here or here.
Photo by: Tanakawho
P.S. Some of you may have super-fast connectivity and web hosts with awesome ftp speeds, and if so, it may not bother you as much as this upload process bothers me. With my "supposed" broadbands speed of my lousy satellite connection, and some servers that aren't first class, ftp'ing over 500 files is just an enormous waste of my time. But your mileage may vary. In any case, I seriously doubt anyone's ftp speed would beat the few seconds this tool takes.
Try installing Joomla files on http://ftp…OMG – I have a T1 line and it can take 20+ minutes. WP is the easy way to go & i think on my next WP install I’ll check out EZ WordPress Installer
I am guessing you have a satellite connection because you live in a remote area? No cable or DSL near you?
Nathan, hmm, maybe I can convince Michael to do one for Joomla as well. 🙂
Dave, correct. I live in the boondocks with no cable or dsl near me. Satellite is my only choice other than dialup.
/edit script
All your WP logins are belong to us!
Muz Donna: Is this page meant to be indexed?
When you Google “seo scoop” ?
Mark, you’re right, someone could edit that script and redistribute it to do nasty things… but that’s true of any script out there. You should always make sure you know what you are downloading.
No, Mark, that page isn’t meant to be indexed still. That is a holdover page from way back when this blog was changed from a ColdFusion blog to a WordPress blog. Somehow, that page never got deleted when I moved completely off of a ColdFusion server. Guess I need to go delete that. 🙂
Okay, just thought I’d make a useful comment for once 🙂
I’m assuming this is for those who don’t have cPanel with Fantastico (why would you do that?) or manual installs of earlier versions….which I may need to do…
I almost forgot the most important question…does the cat symbolize the boredom you spoke of, the satisfaction you spoke of, or both? 🙂
if you have a satelite connection, the 5 min install routine shouldnt be so hard. it even is more secure since you enter more data by hand.
(linkdrop edited out)
Sebasitean, either you don’t have any experience with a satellite connection, or you have inifinitely more patience than I. It takes a really.long.time. to ftp all those files up with my connection. The 5 minute install routine is more like an hour install routine. But hey, if it’s 5 mins. for you, good for you!
Looks nice – not long ago I wrote a bash script to do the updates for wordpress. It really makes it easier to move to a new release…. log in and run the script.
It looks as though WordPress 2.7 will be able to upgrade itself when the new release comes along so it looks like the initial install may be the only time you ever need to worry about it.