
Part of being a successful blogger isn’t just finding the right niche, but being able to continue creating great content for this same niche over the long haul. Although at first it might seem that you’ll never run out of great ideas or topics, sometimes it just happens. Maybe you get bored, maybe your imagination runs dry, maybe you get a little case of writer’s block, or maybe your creative mojo takes a little vacation.

Whatever the case may be, the good news is that there are ways that you can help keep the content you create for your particular niche fresh, interesting and relevant, for both you and your readers, for years to come.

The following are 5 tips you can put into practice whenever you need a little creative boost to prevent your blog from becoming stale over time:

1. Find Inspiration From Anywhere

Just because you write for a particular niche doesn’t mean that you need to stay in the same circle to keep things interesting. In fact, boxing yourself into a specific mindset is the fastest way to bleed your inspiration dry.

In Al Kennedy’s article “How to Find the Inspiration to Write,” he points out that he finds more interesting avenues of inspiration develop from a “mental commitment to find anything and/or everything inspirational.”

In other words, you don’t need to change your environment to find inspiration. Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of finding inspiration from anything, including other niches that aren’t related to your own. You might even find that, in some cases, it’s not a specific topic that will inspire you, but a feeling you might get from what you read, hear or see.

2. Make A Little Detour To Another But Similar Topic Every Once In A While

As this Copywriting Then and Now blog post points out, if you stop being creative with the content you write, you do so at your own peril. Creative topics don’t always have to be directly related to your niche. Every niche has a market and a sub-niche. From time to time, don’t be afraid to create broader content that touches on other linkable topics.

For instance, if your niche is acne, your sub niches are skin care and health. You could always write about other health conditions associated with acne, recipes for maintaining healthy skin, etc.

Find out what questions, concerns, etc. your readers have regarding your niche and address them in your content, even if they aren’t entirely related.

3. Start From Scratch

Even though you might already been an expert in your particular niche, try imagining yourself as someone who knows nothing about it, and write about it as if this is the first time, even if you already wrote on similar topics a long time ago.

You might find Neil Patel’s advanced content marketing guide to be inspirational when following this tip. In his guide, he gets down to the brass tacks and brings you back to the basics of the creative writing process. Every time you sit down to write a new piece of content, you need to select your topic and approach, research, organize, write, take a break and then edit.

Imagine that you are approaching every topic as if it is your first time writing it. Don’t assume you already know the answers. Re-educate yourself and you may just find a new and interesting angle. This is particularly true in fields where people often looks for guides and help, like technology, gambling, video games, food, etc.

4. Write An Opinion Piece To Create Discussion

According to “How to Write Interesting Content for a ‘Boring’ Topic” by Patrick Dholakiya, there are no boring topics, only boring content creators. Remember this when you’re struggling to create interesting content. If you feel like you’ve exhausted every angle of your niche, get off the fence and write an opinion piece.

If you’re afraid you’re getting boring, get passionate about a subject and write what you believe. Depending on your target market and how engaged your readers are, you might find the more controversial the topic the better. Create a discussion and get people interested. Share your opinion and encourage them to do the same.

5. Ask Yourself A Weird Question And Write The Answer

Keep your content interesting by keeping it weird from time to time. What’s the oddest thought, comment or question that’s ever crossed your mind regarding your targeted niche? Whatever it is, make it a topic.

Can’t think of anything weird. Check out question-answer site and conduct a search. You’ll likely find some inspiration from the questions and answers left by other Quora users.

Adding content that’s a little bizarre and out of the ordinary from time to time keeps your blog fresh, fun and interesting. Remember, simply because your focused on one niche, this doesn’t mean that you’re restricted to writing about only certain topics. Let yourself be inspired by anything, write with passion, express your opinion and don’t be afraid to learn something new.

About the Author: Guest Posts