Local inbound marketing is quickly becoming a very popular marketing strategy. This is because inbound marketing continues to prove to be a very effective marketing strategy. Inbound marketing can be especially effective for smaller local businesses and here are five quick tips on how to do it effectively.

Local Inbound Marketing Tactics

 Maintain a Blog

Maintaining a blog is a very important aspect of local inbound marketing. A major portion of local inbound marketing is creating content and a blog provides a great place to store and share that content.

The key here is the word "maintain" as it does no good to create a blog if you aren't generating new content for it frequently to keep it fresh and interesting. To help with this you can partner with other local industry partners and accept guest posts on your blog.

Local Inbound Marketing Agency Leverage Local Connections

When implementing a local inbound marketing strategy it can be very helpful to leverage local connections. As mentioned before, these connections can be used to acquire guest posts for your blog and even lead to guest posting opportunities of your own. An example of leveraging these relationships would be to interview a local industry leader to produce some targeted and relevant content or utilizing a connection to get a citation on a relevant local site or directory.

Inbound Marketing Strategy Optimize for Mobile Devices

Another thing to consider is whether or not your website and content are optimized for mobile devices. This is crucial as these days almost everyone has a mobile device and your potential audience will often be using such a device to view your site or content. If the content you create can't be viewed on a mobile device then the audience that sees it will be severely limited.

Link building is an integral part of local inbound marketing and can provide tremendous local SEO value. However, unlike national inbound marketing campaigns, link building for local inbound marketing projects must focus on geo-specific keywords. This is because as a local business, your potential customers will be using geo-specific search terms and any links you build should help your business rank for those exact terms.

Finally, it is vastly important when preforming local inbound marketing to establish a strong social media presence. Social media can be a very useful tool for inbound marketing and by establishing a presence on the various social media platforms your business can engage with customers and promote its content. By staying active on social media and interacting with customers you can increase the size of the audience that views your content and build relationships that further increase the effectiveness of everything you do, as a loyal fan base will be much more willing to re-share your content with others.

Improve Your Local Inbound Marketing

The five tips listed here should help improve your local inbound marketing and increase its usefulness. Local inbound marketing is unique and different from national inbound marketing, but both can be very effective. By providing something of value to a customer, rather than simply interrupting them with commercials, inbound marketing has proven to be a successful marketing strategy.



About the Author: Paul Richardson