
I've talked a lot about diversifying your traffic sources: Long gone are the days where we could rely on Google (not saying it was a smart strategy back then but at least it was possible).

Today the only way to survive online is to keep discovering new ways to growth-hack your site visits and leads.

Here are some pretty easy and uniform growth hacking ideas for you to get inspired!

1. Invest Some Time in Quora

Quora is one of the most misunderstood and under-utilized social media networks out there... I mean it's misunderstood and under-utilized when it comes to marketing which is also a good thing because you have a great chance to stand out.

While Quora has an overall powerful branding potential, it works well for traffic too. The best thing about Quora traffic is that it's quite steady. The life span of your reply is unbelievable (provided you did a good job and got some upvotes which contribute to your entry visibility).

John Paul Aguilar has a good post explaining how to make the most of Quora to get more views and clicks there. I also love Quora Reviews feature that lets me build up come additional visibility and exposure to my site.

Quora Reviews

2. Try Mastering Instagram Using Influencer Selfies

Selfies have been steadily gaining popularity thanks to Instagram in the first place. If you are still not sure how to build up your brand presence on Instagram, a creative influencer selfie tactic could help.

Tomoson has pioneered selfie marketing by giving their users an option to create "Sponsored Selfie" project. This way you invite Instagram influencers to apply to bring your product (or logo) to Instagram (with proper disclaimer of course).

Tomoson selfies

Selfies are trustworthy and fun. It's also an easy way to spread your brand awareness on Instagram (The site which is not too easy for marketing to: There almost no clickable outgoing links there!)

3. Let the Brands Compete on Your Site

Put several brands on one site: Invite your readers to choose the best and you'll suddenly find the brand representatives care about your site, posting comments, driving people to vote...

That's what these guys did comparing hosting packages: They determine best hosting companies based on their user ratings and even give away badges.

G2crowd is another brilliant example here: Their whole discovery algorithm is built on comparison: How different sets of similar or related software compare to one another. Their reports are work of art! No wonder, companies have been there actively monitoring how they perform.


4. Give Something for Free

The oldest trick in the book: Invest in free products, give them away, enjoy people sharing your pages.

IMcreator free resources page is one the best examples here: It's really giving back to the community and it's a keeper!

IMcreator free resources page

5. Bring Those Influencers to Your Site

Building relationships with active and responsive influencers is the most valuable asset to invest in. Real people sending you traffic means better conversions. Those influencers have earned their trust: They won't share it easily but earning their attention is well worth it!

Inviting influencers to contribute or to be interviewed is a great way to both create free content and motivate those participating experts to share and send you more traffic.

Which traffic growth hacks have you had success with? Please share.

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About the Author: Ann Smarty

Ann Smarty is the Brand and Community manager at as well as the founder of Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 7 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz and #myblogu