Fans are important to a business. They are its biggest advocates, and account for 80% of its success as per the Pareto principle. Here's how you can gain insight into your fans (and potential fans) using Google Analytics.

Step 1:

On the Dashboard page, click on "All Visits" to display a list of advanced segments that are available to your profile.

Deselect the "All Visits" checkbox.

Dashboard - Advanced Segments

Step 2:

Choose one of the following default segments:

1. Returning Visitors

Visitors with a tracking cookie stored on their computer from a previous visit to the site are registered as a returning visitor.

2. Direct Traffic

Visitors who reached your site through a bookmark or by typing in a URL are considered to be direct visitors.

3. Non-bounce Visits

Visits where more than one page was viewed are counted as non-bounced visits.

Advanced Segments

Step 3:

Browse reports. I suggest looking through the Top Content report to see which pages your fans tend to like. This can be found in the Content section of Analytics.


You can create a custom advanced segment that combines the three default segments mentioned above. Simply click on "Create a new advanced segment", and enter the dimension and metric conditions as shown below.

Custom Advanced Segment

That's it for now. 🙂


About the Author: Shockley Au

Shockley combines digital marketing and innovative technologies to help businesses succeed. He is certified in Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Bing Ads. Follow him on Twitter @ShockleyAu.