Celebrate!On June 26th, 2007, SEO Scoop will turn 3 years old! If we count blog years like we do dog years (blog rhymes with dog so it makes sense to me), then SEO Scoop will be turning 21 and will be a full-fledged grownup blog. In honor of SEO Scoop's upcoming birthday, I've decided to hold a contest, so that I can give away a birthday present to a lucky winner on Scoop's big day.

The contest is simple and doesn't require you to have to think, sing, dance, or possess any kind of talent. All you have to do is subscribe to the SEO Scoop EMAIL feed. I've never offered the feed via email before, so everyone will be new subscribers and everyone has an equal chance of winning. Just remain subscribed to the email feed at least until after the winner is announced on June 26th, and then you can unsubscribe if you wish. That's all there is to it. (And no worries...I won't do anything evil with your email address. You won't be sold to the highest bidding spammer!).

The Subscribe via Email link is located in the left sidebar, near the top, under the big orange RSS feed button. All you have to do is enter your valid email address into the form that will pop up, and you're automatically entered into the contest.

Enough about how to enter! The big question on your mind is WHAT'S THE PRIZE? One lucky winner, drawn at random, will win two (2) months of PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP at SEOmoz. For two months, you'll get to download all the goodies that Rand and his gang have to offer their Premium members. This not only currently contains lots of good content, guides, tips, and access to tools, but there are more goodies yet to come. And some of those new things should arrive during your 2-month free membership. For full details on what SEOmoz Premium membership gets you, read all the details on their info page. And don't fret. Even if you are already a Premium member, if you win the SEO Scoop 3rd Birthday Contest, you'll still get 2 months of Premium membership free.

On June 26th, I'll randomly pick a winner from all the contestants, and announce it here on the blog. I'll also email the winner, and send the winner's details over to SEOmoz, so they can set up the account. So, go subscribe now before you forget. Good luck, and THANK YOU ALL for 3 years of conversation. That's the REAL celebration.

About the Author: Donna Fontenot

Donna Fontenot, aka DazzlinDonna, is an Internet Entrepreneur and SEO, who has long utilized search engine optimization and affiliate marketing to create a successful online business. Her goal as an ebusiness coach is to help others make a living online from the comfort of their homes (and in their pajamas). Her motto is "You'll never shine if you don't glow."