If youre a small business trying to survive or expand, a large business that isnt generating enough online traffic as you like, or whether youre a new business looking to get some exposure " I believe theres something for all of you to take from this guide.

Online exposure is massive. Without it, where would Justin Bieber today (one of the unfortunate problems the internet has created)? Would Amazon have ever become the phenomenon it is today? And would you have made a $$ saving on your latest purchase by become able to compare different websites and businesses for the cheapest price?

Looking for some exposure for your business online? Here are 10 ways to get it:

1. Media/PR/Newspapers

Getting attention in any media outlet with a substantial following, whether it online or print is huge for building a brand and getting noticed. This is about getting in front of a journalist, giving them something of substance and worthy of getting published. Maybe this is research, a quote on a breaking news story " it doesnt have to cost to get a mention in the media!


(An example of Receptional Ltd getting exposure on the British Broadcasting Corporation)

Generally your link will be a brand mention or domain if you get one at all " the more the merrier. This is increasing your brand awareness as well potentially referring potential customers to your website.

2. Referrals

Getting people talking about your business or service can be huge for your success. A referral is one of the greatest compliments your business can receive. Its free, it doesnt take up your time; its someone else doing the work for you by complimenting you to another prospect customer.


(Google Analytics data showing 92% of a new websites traffic between June 1, 2013-September 30, 2013 is coming from referral sites)

With Google Penguin the importance of natural links is imperative and people talking about your website and linking through to them without being paid or persuaded too goes a great way towards picking up links and traffic. Your task is to get them talking about your business in the first place.

3. Suppliers/Clients/Customers

If you have any suppliers, or clients and customers with websites of their own it should be possible to contact them and get a link on their website. They may have a suppliers page, they may create a blog promoting you " but these are generally links your competitors cannot get.

4. Guest Posting

Contributing to other blogs and website, in particular, those with a greater following than your business is a good way to build up your own following, trust and authority.


(An example of a guest author getting links from an external website they have contributed to)

Becoming a regular opportunity on external websites gives you a good opportunity to throw a link in to your website. This can be in the content naturally or within the about the author section which is somewhat stand on a website these days.

5. Twitter/Facebook/Social

Creating some spark on your social profiles can attract followers, customers and/or traffic to your website. Easier said than done, granted. But if you can get a hashtag to go viral, a 140-character Tweet to get ReTweeted a million times or uploading a similarly popular image youll go along way to increasing your user base.


(Amy's Baking Company Bakery Boutique & Bistro has over 100,000 Facebook Likes despite being such a small company located in Scottsdale, Arizona. This was after a meltdown went viral on Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps not the ideal way to get followers, and perhaps most of these wont actually turn into customers but its an example of increasing your exposure (in this example, perhaps for the wrong reasons). Read the full story on Buzzfeed.)

The importance of increasing your following on these helps increase your exposure to new followers which in turn help increase the number of new customers.

6. News/newsletters

Attended a charity event? Did something special for a client or customer? Scratched someone elses back? If theres something you can do to get in the news section of another website, or in their newsletter it will increase your exposure to their user base.

People who guest post on our website regularly get featured in our newsletter, like the screenshot above.

7. Industry Publications

Professional directories, especially authoritative niche ones, carry real value and meaning.

Their links and mentions provide not only serious real world ranking signals but are an invaluable way for customers to find you. The latter is especially true in the B2B sector.

8. Affiliates

Have an affiliate scheme for your product? Would it be worthwhile setting one up? Letting people who are interested in your product, or more importantly, interested in selling your product and making a little commission on the side is a great way to get a lot of free exposure (depending on how many affiliates you get signed up). And its not any ol promotion " these people are trying their best to sell your product as theres something in it for them!

Nothing special for helping you rank in Google, but affiliates are fantastic for sending interested customers.

9. Banner Advertising

A traditional method of advertising on the internet " banners promoted on the right websites for your business can be very useful for both exposure and potential customers. Make sure to get a good graphic designer and put a good message on there to attract the users attention.

Google AdWords Remarketing is well worth considering for this type of advertising.

10. Social Bookmarking

Still struggling for traffic and attention? Social bookmark sites such as Reddit and StumbleUpon are free to sign up and if you can post something of your own that becomes popular in a popular niche youll increase the traffic and attention to your website.


(Example of Reddit providing some referral traffic to a new website)

Admittedly, Ive never had much luck in making a sale from referral traffic from these sites

About the Author: Barrie Smith