2010 is just around the corner. If you are new to the internet marketing biz, or trying to figure out ways to boost your personal online presence (and garner respect from potential clients or employers) these are things that you should either (a) already be doing, or (b) have on your to-do list for 2010.

These are the top five things I intend on doing in 2010.

1. Update my website.

You've heard the story before (or one just like it) about the guy who builds bookcases for a living, but has all their books lying on the floor at home. Or the lawn maintenance person who doesn’t have the energy to mow their own lawn when they get home.

In the web dev industry, our sites get neglected sometimes. Of course I don't mean everyone, as some people are pretty kickass at keeping things up-to-date. When I am writing guest blog posts and writing reports for clients all day long, the last thing I want to do when I get home is write more. I have a wonderful life outside of work. I think that life needs to have a good balance. This means being a workaholic is out of the question. Unfortunately, it also means my website needs some serious updating.

This tweet from Darren Slatten (aka SEOmofo) beautifully illustrates my point

This tweet from Darren Slatten (aka SEOmofo) beautifully illustrates my point

2. Learn more HTML.

My knowledge of HTML is pretty darn basic, but it gets me by. I do plan on learning more though. Quite often it's not that convenient to get other people to update simple stuff for me.

It's not necessary to learn how to create an entire website, but it sure does help to know some basic HTML. Even with Content Management Systems (CMS) it still doesn’t hurt to know how to write a link properly. Oftentimes a CMS will make your formatting look a little wonky, so it’s nice to be able to take a look at the code and figure out what is wrong.

Here are some free courses that I am going to check out:

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
HTML Beginner from HTML Dog

3. Make it to at least one conference.

If I have to pick only one, I choose PubCon in Vegas. Michael Streko of KnowEm swears it is THE conference to go to. I’ve heard this from other reputable internet marketing peeps as well.

Working as a lone SEO can be lonely sometimes. And to be quite frank, it can be uninspiring. Having the opportunity to chat with other people about doing what I love is uplifting and reminds me why I like doing internet marketing so much.

Lets go to Vegas baby!

Let's go to Vegas baby!

4. Write more guest blog posts.

I have been invited by other sites to guest post for them and I’ve been putting it off (Hi Ann). Fact of the matter is that guest posting is a great way to build links and improve your personal online branding.

Like anything, once I make something a habit, I can make it stick. If you choose to go this route remember to not spread yourself too thin. Writing a quality blog post can take time!

5. Comment on more blog posts.

I used to comment on SEOmoz on a regular basis. As a result of my comments I've received job requests, job interviews and even a request to quote what I said.

Commenting intelligently on blog posts is a great way to connect with other people in your industry. Note how I said intelligently. Generic comments won't get you noticed. Make sure you take the time to think of something somewhat insightful to say.

Commenting is also a fantastic way to get your name splattered all over the search engine results pages while building links. If you Google Steph Woods SEO you will find comments I've left for people on their internet marketing blogs.

What are you waiting for? Start by leaving a comment here today!

What are you waiting for? Start by leaving a comment here today!

What do you plan on doing in 2010? We'd love to hear your plans!


Stephanie Woods is an internet marketer living in Kelowna, BC. You can find her at her neglected internet marketing blog. She also works part-time at Csek Creative. When she's not helping clients achieve their online goals, you'll find her riding her beloved snowboard any time she can.

About the Author: Stephanie Woods