The creation and promotion of a press release is hard work, but what do you do after your initial efforts are done and the buzz has died down tremendously? Unfortunately, it can be really hard to extend the life of a press release if not done properly and at the right timing. This article will talk about how you can greatly increase the visibility of your press release online even after your initial release. It will also help you improve the search rankings of your release and increase traffic using four strong techniques.

Social Networks

When it comes to promoting or marketing just about anything, social networking should always be the first thing on your list. Youll be surprised at what a quick tweet on Twitter or status update on Facebook can do. Most press release submissionsites now have integrated social sharing buttons so that you can quickly share your press release on various social networking and social bookmarking sites. You can even get creative and create a short video about your release and post to sites like YouTube and Vimeo. If you are a member of a group or fan page, be sure to share your press release on any of them that are based on the same niche.


Blogger Outreach

When it comes getting the word out about your press release, bloggers in your related industry can give you an extra boost. Using some of the top blogdirectories will help you find blogs in your niche that you can contact and pitch to. Look for blogs with at least a page rank of 3 and a decent amount of traffic. If they agree to do a writeup about and link to your press release, this is sure to help extend the life. Not only can you take advantage of their current subscribers, but you will benefit from the extra search engine traffic and increase rankings as well.


Email Marketing

Even though some feel that targeted email marketing and newsletters are dead, thats farfromthetruth. You can benefit a lot from creating emailing lists and providing a newsletter for your customers to subscribe to. Newsletters really can come in handy when it comes to important news, events and of course press releases. Not only can you integrate your release into your own email marketing efforts, but you can possibly get other businesses in your industry to do the same. There are many companies who are willing to do features in their newsletters and you can then benefit from their subscribers as well as your own.


If you dont already have an email list or newsletter, you can use a tool like MailChimp to manage your email lists and get started with email marketing. MailChimp helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. So again we have social media integration to help further publicize your press release once you integrate it into your email newsletter.

Get Others Involved

Surely you have colleagues or even family and friends that can help you spread the word for free. Have them share the press release on their own social networking sites, but not all at once. Find out the people who are willing to help and divide them into small groups. Then you can have each group spread the word at different times throughout the month or even spread across a few months. That way you wont bombard (or spam) the Web with your release. This gradual promotion is sure to help extend the life of your press release and help resurrect your buzz from the dead.

About the Author: Lior Levin