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What is Reverse Guest Blogging and How Can It Help?

reverseAs if link building and brand management werent tricky enough, experts are now adding the term reverse guest posting to the mix. However, unlike many annoying spinoffs of old ideas, this one is actually quite relevant for those hoping to improve their visibility online. Weve all heard about the benefits of guest blogging, but as Google develops and grows, guest blogging needs to change as well if it wants to keep up. If youre looking for a new strategy that better fits your business, reverse guest blogging might just be your answer.

How Reverse Guest Blogging Works and The Benefits

As you might imagine, it is the opposite of guest blogging (imagine that). So while guest blogging means offering your content to be posted onto other sites, reverse guest blogging means asking others to offer content on your site. There are several benefits to this type of strategy including:

While there are many benefits, you really have to get into a good rhythm when it comes to reverse blogging (more on this later). A big part of being successful is being able to find and recruit the right guest bloggers.

How to Find Great Guest Bloggers to Write for Your Blog

Chances are you have a few writers in mind already that youd love to have featured on your blog. There are certain faces you see everywhere, whether it be social media or just through your research, so this is a good place to start. Once youve hit a wall, there are a few different options to consider:

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