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Troubleshooting Your Underperforming PPC Campaign

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You've performed keyword research, created ads that speak to your target user's intent with a compelling call to action, and spent time perfecting your landing pages. Now you can sit back and watch the conversions roll in!

If you've ever managed a PPC campaign, you know there's always more tweaking required before you have a well-oiled conversion machine. Here's a guide to troubleshooting that underperforming campaign.

A Methodical Approach to Diagnosis

First, let's diagnose your issue. This involves considering all factors, testing, and narrowing down the problematic variables. To isolate the issue, test one variable at a time.

Low Traffic Volume

Hopefully you used something like Google's keyword tool to get a sense of search volume when you set up the campaign, and we'll assume that your match types aren't overly restrictive. If your high-volume keywords aren't driving traffic, consider the following:

Low Quality Traffic

If you're getting a lot of traffic but not seeing conversions, it's likely due to either low quality traffic or a conversion-unfriendly landing page. Start by taking a look at matched search queries under traffic sources > advertising.

This will give you a snapshot of what search phrases are driving clicks and what those visitors are doing on the site. Use this insight to exclude low quality keywords that are popping up or change match type if necessary. For example, if you're using broad match, there might be a lot of junk variations coming through, in which case you'll want to add modifiers or switch to phrase match for more focused clicks.

High Quality Traffic and Low Conversions

If your PPC campaign is generating a good volume of qualified traffic but you're not seeing conversions, you can be pretty sure there's work to be done on the landing pages. There are plenty of resources to help design a landing page optimized for conversions, but the biggest considerations are going to be as follows:

Don't Forget the Bigger Picture

While taking a methodical troubleshooting approach will point you to the problem area, this isn't a guarantee that you're now one tweak away from a successful PPC campaign. Successful channel execution is founded on research and sound strategy: you understand your target market and have reason to believe PPC is a viable channel; you've analyzed the competition, determined the best opportunities and crafted messaging that speaks to your strongest themes. If this hasn't been done up front, you're (trouble) shooting in the dark.