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The Agency SEO Process – Part 1

Agency SEO process One of the questions I get asked the most is what my process is for SEO. It's a tough question to answer because it really comes down to how much control you'll have over the process and whether or not your time restrained. My SEO process is completely different for my own sites then for a clients. Having plenty of Agency experience, I thought I'd brake down how I usually setup an SEO program when on a budget. This will be a multi-post series, with each post focusing on three months of the project.

Let's assume that you have 25 hours/month dedicated to an SEO project for a client for a twelve month engagement. That seems to be the average contract size (in my experience, anyway).

Month 1 - The SEO Audit & Keyword Research

Before you can start making recommendations on what to change, you need to do a comprehensive audit of where the company is now. Here are a few quick questions to get you started:

Once you have all of this data to help benchmark your SEO program, it's time to start researching keywords. I do this in a variety of ways:

Once I have compiled a list of keywords I think they should target, I create an Excel chart that lists each page of their site and recommend up to five keywords for each page. From there, I send it over to them and explain how I chose them and ask them to select 1-3 from that list they we can target. Remember, they are the experts in their own field and can really help you figure out what keywords will resonate best with their customers.

Month 2 - Keyword Testing & Architecture Analysis

Now that we have approval on keywords to target from the client, we need to test them and make sure they are going to perform the way we want them to, before we invest the next few months in targeting them. To do this, I recommend you setup a 2-4 week PPC campaign with the landing pages being the page you wish to target the keyword on. That way we can see if you are targeting the right keywords and if you are targeting them on the right pages.

While that is running, it's time to analyze the client's website architecture. We're looking to identify a number of things:

And that's just the warm up! Once you've full completed your architecture audit. Make the recommendations for fixes, prioritize them, and try and give the client an idea of the estimated impact. That will give them more ammunition when they go to their developer or boss and request that resources be dedicated to fixing those problems/opportunities.

Month 3 - Content and Meta Tag Optimization

Both basic and important. Taking a look at our PPC test results we now have better insight into the performance of the keywords we plan to target. Make any necessary adjustments and start the optimization process. It's now time to:

That last bullet point is crucial. You need to keep track of when changes are being rolled out on the site. It will give you the best way to track the impact your hard work is having. I use Raven's Event Manager to plot these changes and am then able to show the impact my changes had on rankings, traffic and conversions.

Next time we'll start diving into link building and content creation! Stay tuned.

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