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Here’s Why We Tell You To Blog – Talking About What We’re Talking About

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Sure, content is important for search engines. You knew that. Without it there's nothing to be found. But now that you have that web site with killer content up, why does your SEO company recommend adding more content, new content; ongoing new content on a regular basis via a blog?

Because content talks about what we're talking about now.

Remember when you just started out in the field you're working in? The jargon was new and confusing but you grew into because we were talking about what we were talking about.

If you compare what you learned to know back then with what's current now, what has changed? Are all the terms still the same? Have some things become less important, others more? Have new technologies, products or services come to surface? Any new acronyms newcomers have to get acquainted with?

I bet all that happened. I bet company papers from 3-4 years ago read outdated. Old. Stuffy. Out of touch.

That's because they're no longer talking about what we're talking about.

Only by keeping the conversation alive, by continuously talking about what we're talking about, do we put content out that uses terms, phrases, jokes, sentences, acronyms and what not that people in our field use TODAY.

And of course by talking about what we're talking about we weave an increasingly large content net which increases the odds of catching previously unseen combinations of search terms. That's a nice side benefit, isn't it?

Better ... by always talking about what we're talking about you're showing you're here, in the known. Today.

And yes, by being here, current, in the know, you're staying at the forefront of a sharing audience that's eager to share your message, addicted to sharing your message, almost vying over who gets to be the first to share it -- as long as it is new and unseen to them and their followers. Why share what was written 3 years ago?

Talking about what you're talking about creates always-relevant content.


You continuously talk about about what you're talking about so you: