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How to Strategically Plan Your Link Building Campaign

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Achieving a top Google ranking takes effort, creativity and skillful experience. For most companies, the idea of gaining a first page ranking seems an impossible task. However, taking a proven, concise approach, and strategically planning an effective link building campaign, any business website owner can rank high. Without a proven effective plan, any ranking below the first page might as well be on the last.

Choose Target Keywords And Branded Anchor Texts

Effective keyword research is more of a creative art than a science. Performed correctly, the website content must line up correctly with the keywords, and branded anchor texts. Prospective customers/visitors eagerly searching for your company products and services will input these effective keywords and texts. Any highly productive inputted key phrase will naturally draw the potential customer to your site, seeking your online products and services. The ideal keywords are usually the ones that easily describe the problem. Adding a modifier to effective keywords can narrow down your target market to capture the perfect valued customer.

Infuse All Promotions With Your Company Brand Name

As an effective SEO tactic, optimal keyword research will make potential customers realize your specific business can solve their problem. By infusing all your promotion campaigns using your company brand name will build respect in your niche market and improve your sales.

Merge Content Strategy With Link Campaign

Although the algorithms in search engines are constantly being reworked, they are still designed to seek out the text/content contained within the index page on your company website. With skillful experience, a creative writer will produce ideal text/content for the index page that can capture the attention of the search engine while seeking information through back links, blog posts and non-text media. The results of a search query developed around a quality link campaign should help to convert visiting traffic into customers. Without a high conversion rate, any traffic-driving SEO tactic is simply wasted.

Search engine algorithms are designed to look for unique content that are written with specific keywords placed in the content at specific key locations, on websites and back links. This way Google, and other search engines, can understand exactly how the inputted keywords are relevant to your site. By receiving a top rank, potential customers will naturally be driven to your site to read the pertinent information that is designed to communicate directly to your target audience. A quality built website will also use these unique keywords placed in various headings (i.e. H1 tags), and/or as a link text to direct visitors to other pages within the website.

Diversifying Link Targets

The easiest way for the search engine to understand the importance of your website in correlation to the inputted keywords is to find other webpages that value the popularity of your online site. By diversifying your own non-connected quality link targets from outside webpages that connect directly to your website, you can easily improve your ranking in search engine results. By creating a variety of quality inbound links, from sites that appear to be relevant to your specific niche; the search engine will push your rankings up to the top. You can establish quality back links by creating relevant articles posted to off-site locations, and blogs that discuss relevant information about your site.

Track Link Trends And Growth

Optimizing your website search engine results is not a destination, but an ongoing process that requires knowledge and skillful experience. By spending the time to track link trends associated with your business, your online company can continue to grow and generate profits.

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