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Still Wearing My Google TinFoil Hat After All These Years

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Yesterday, Andy Beal tweeted the following: "In case you missed it: Google Toolbar for Firefox 3 is out at - works perfectly for me" and I tweeted a reply, saying, "@andybeal and u use the google spybar for what reason?"

Of course, that led to a series of tweets back and forth, such as:

Andy: easy access to site search, cache, highlighting keywords.
Me: *shakes head in wonder* wow, that's mighty trusting of you. *makes sure tinfoil hat is firmly in place on top of my dazzlin head*

Andy: Google has my email, RSS, analytics, docs, and my search history. I gave up on paranoia. 😉
Me: i'll never give up! never, i tell ya! never!!!! 😀

Andy: what if Google buys Twitter? 😉
Me: see now you're just *trying* to hurt me. but my aluminum protects me from any zings you might throw my way! mwahahaha

Andy: lol tagging this: #googlespy (so they know how to find you) 😉
Me: i'll get you for that, @andybeal, i will, i will. (goes off to unlock secret underground concrete bunker to lay low for a while)

Of course, there were also some side twitter conversations, such as this one with @fairminder:

Fairminder: Where are the best deals on those tin foil hats? I think I need a new one. 😉
Me: i should probably throw up a long sales page devoted to selling tinfoil hats, huh? 😀

So, while all of that is a bit of fun, I was also being a tad bit serious as well. Don't get me wrong. I know that "the world" (meaning the government and the marketing world, specifically) has tons of information on all of us, and I don't really spend time worrying about trying to keep much of anything private. Still, Google is an exception. Why? I don't know. I guess it's just the natural aversion that a dyed-in-the-wool SEO has to sharing too much information with the Godzilla of Search (Google).

I don't really expect that anything I "hide" from Google is really safe. On the other hand, I don't really see any need to just hand over all my private bits to Google on a silver platter, either. I figure if Google wants to get at all my junk (search history, etc.), they're just gonna have to work for it. So I stay logged out of Google accounts as much as possible when surfing (sometimes I forget to log out, which annoys me greatly). I don't use the toolbar or analytics (although I've used them in the past, mostly for test purposes). And I don't use docs or google desktop search, just because that seems way too invasive to me.

So, there you have it. You now know a little more about me, while at the same time, I attempt to keep a little less about me from getting into the "wrong hands". LOL!

(No offense, Google, (or Matt or John or the rest of you good folks), just doing what comes naturally. *grin*).

So tell you have your own tinfoil hat? If so, how big is it? 😀