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Some funny SEO definitions by Orion

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In my previous post, I pointed you to some tutorials by Orion that are quite intense. However one tiny link in one of those tutorials led me to a couple of other posts he's made that are simply hysterical. Orion has created a few new words that help define some of the things that we, as SEOs, and bloggers may be "infected with". I certainly hope none of these terms apply to me, but if they do, I apologize.

The first post you should read is SOME DEFINITIONS which defines words such as blogonomies, blogorrhea, and linkphilis. Too funny.

The next post you should read is titled SEO BLOGONOMIES: THE SEARCH ENGINE MARKOV CHAIN and Orion goes on to give a specific example of a blogonomy, which is also quite amusing.

I didn't understand much of what Orion said in the LSI tutorials, but I get what he is saying in these posts! 🙂