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SES Toronto 2009: Optimizing for Video Search: Virgin Territory?

Oh YouTube, you've grown up so quickly - the #2 search destination in the world? I think someone has been eating their vegetables. What are we to do with you? Why optimize of course!

Here we are, Day 1 of SES Toronto and we're about to delve into some uncharted waters (relatively speaking of course) - the optimization of video search.

Our moderator will be Mona Elessily, Director of Marketing Strategy at Page Zero Media.

The lights dim, camera rolls.....action!

Amanda Watlington, Owner, Searching for Profit:

For the Brand Marketer

For Search Marketers

Tips and Tricks

5 Tactics Beyond Search Engines

And of course...

Gregory Markel, Founder/President, Infuse Creative, LLC:

Community Ranking Factors

2 Most Common Mistakes

Tips for Optimizing Community Factors - All Free!

Steve Espinosa, VP of Innovation, eLocal Listing, LLC:

Tips for Your Video Strategy

So there you have it YouTube, we're going to keep our eye on you and now, more then ever, do we see the importance of optimizing for video search.

Thanks to Mona for moderating a great session, and to Gregory, Steve and Amanda for providing some great insight into what the future (and present) holds for video search as well sa some great tips on how to optimize.

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