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SEO Video Resources I Like And Recommend

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I don't know about you, but I'm a huge fan of watching SEO videos. In fact, I listen/watch them often when I'm doing other miniscule tasks. Doing the dishes, eating breakfast, cleaning the apt, or most recently-doing my taxes, all fall into this category. I just take my laptop with me and load up a video and have it playing in the background.

Working from home can be very distracting, so this method keeps my mind on SEO while I take little breaks throughout the day. Below are some of the resources that I've collected in my bookmarks.

Distilled SEO Video Screenshot

Distilled Conference Videos

Quickly becoming one of my favorite SEO blogs, the great folks at Distilled give you an opportunity to check out video from their conferences. They offer these videos in their store, but they give away discount codes that reduce the price to 0$ as long as you signup for their newsletter. I'm sure you can agree that that's a bargin, especially when you consider how great the information is within the videos. They also have a video category on their blog as well.

SEOBook Videos

SEOBook has several of their own videos that cover basic topics like how to do keyword research, and advanced information as well. In addition to the already extensive collection of videos on SEOBook, you will also find valuable links to videos and audio by Matt Cutts, Dan Thies, Frank Schilling, and even Webmaster Radio (make sure to check out SEO 101).

Whiteboard Plus

SEOmoz started doing Whiteboard Plus late last year on Google+, and the quality is just as awesome as their on-site counterpart Whiteboard Friday. They do new SEO videos on a semi-regular basis in addition to WBF, so be sure and tune in for you double dose of Mozz-er-iffic content.

Whiteboard Friday

Most normal people look forward to Friday because it's the beginning of the weekend, pssh, not me. I look forward to Whiteboard Friday. Every Friday morning it's the first thing I do before starting on the days tasks. It's comparable to being 10 again watching episodes of Batman The Animated Series on Saturday morning. Yes, it's that good.

Google Webmaster Help YouTube Channel

Matt Cutts and guests give "straight from the horses mouth" answers on the GWT YouTube channel. In my opinion, this is the #1 place to get answers to all my technical SEO questions. Matt does a very good job of answering questions that get sent in briefly and accurately.

Weekly Video Recap On SER

Every Friday, Barry Schwartz gives an excellent video recap on what's happened in the world of search during that particular week. Algorithm updates, stories, and general industry news are all things included on a regular basis.

Aside from the search week being summed up by a SEO rockstar, the resource is especially valuable because Barry makes it super easy to subscribe to the weekly updates. Pick your poison: you can watch on YouTube, subscribe via iTunes, or get it delivered with RSS. All these options are available on every page.

Get To Watchin'

I'm not sure if watching so many videos keeps my productivity up or just clutters my brain, but it sure keeps me in tune with SEO at the moment :). I hope I've included some useful SEO videos that help you, let me know in the comments below if you know of other great video resources. Got to go, Whiteboard Plus is on...