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Rules of Thumb for Choosing an SEO

The question comes up periodically, and it did again recently on one of the forums I frequent. A member wanted to hire an SEO, and needed to know how to choose. How could he tell who would do a good job at a fair price?

And ya know? That's a good question, really.

The high demand for good SEO practitioners means their services often ain't cheap. Which also means the fortune-hunters have come a-flocking. Flat-out con artists who don't have any intention of doing anything for suckers their clients (other than relieving them of their cash). Newbies who have excellent intentions — but lack the skills to bring them to fruition — and still charge the same rates as experienced SEOs. Slackers who think they can offer minimal SEO services at premium prices as a route to “easy money” from clients who don't know any better.


So, how's a webmaster supposed to decide?

Google Rankings — Not All That

Photo by KB35
Some people advise checking the SEO company's website in Google. The thinking goes, if the SEO company can get their own website to rank highly for SEO-related terms, they can do the same for you and your business-related search terms.

Unfortunately, that doesn't necessarily follow. Every search term is different. What works for one business in one market for one search term might be totally useless — or even counterproductive — for another business, pursuing different search terms, facing different competition. The tactics and techniques they used to muscle their page to the top might not be appropriate for your business.

Beyond that, unfortunately, a high ranking says nothing about the integrity of the people behind that page... only that they managed through some means, fair or foul, to get that page to rank highly.

My advice? Google rankings can be interesting, but don't rely on Google as a measure of quality. Just because somebody ranks highly for an industry-related term or two (or even ten or twenty or more), don't assume that means they're “the best.”

If the Budget Is Tight...

Here's an idea to consider. Depending on where you are, there are probably SEO providers in your local area. That might be a good place to start, especially if you've got a limited budget. It can be easier, especially if you've not dealt with an SEO before, to work with someone you can meet face-to-face to discuss their evaluation and recommendations. And smaller local providers are often less expensive than the “big guns” of the industry, but still provide good quality service.

My Personal Rules of Thumb

Whether you're considering a local SEO provider or you're seeking proposals from the top-tier agencies, I have a few general rules of thumb I recommend using when evaluating SEO proposals.

The bottom line: don't check your common sense at the door. A good SEO will be able to offer some examples of work they've done in the past, they'll be able to explain clearly what they plan to do to optimize your site, and they'll help you set reasonable expectations of the results you can achieve, how long it will take to get there, and how much it will cost.

Diane is the website manager for a manufacturing & distribution company in Raleigh, NC. You can read more of her thoughts on site optimization and marketing at BootstrapSEO.