I'll be in Vegas next week attending PubCon. I'll be helping Barry (RustyBrick) and the gang at SERoundtable cover sessions, and I'll be posting my impressions here as well, of course. If you're attending, look for me (in my DazzlinDonna tshirt) and say hi. If you can't attend, SERoundtable and SEO Scoop will let you know what's been said and done there. Well, it is Vegas, and what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas (but we'll share what we can). 😉
If I see your shirt I will say hi.
I think we (bloggers) would be recognizing each other better by the nicknames or the blog URLs we own.
Donna … just be sure to change the shirt if you decide to go party after hours. Those things can lead to negative publicity. 😉